Stakeland Airdrop Guide


Stakeland is a platform created by the team behind 9GAG and has a highly profitable airdrop system. This platform offers a unique staking mechanism for $MEME tokens, providing users with opportunities to earn new token airdrops from promising projects through social quests and staking. By engaging in the simple quests you can earn “steaks” which are used to enter a raffle for airdrop tokens such as Rune coin which just happened and $MON protocol which is coming up. Rune Coin airdrop paid a minimum of $20 to those who entered.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding how Stakeland works, what it offers, and what the recent developments mean for both regular users and project developers.

How to Join Stakeland Airdrop:

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    Connect Your Wallet and Twitter Account

    Visit the Stakeland website and connect your Ethereum wallet and your twitter account. These are needed in order to access the quests.

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    Wait for a new airdrop announcement

    The key with the stakeland platform is to wait until an airdrop campaign is announced by checking the twitter. When this happens new social quests will be posted which need to be done everyday. Alternatively, sign up to the airdrop tracker to get daily reminders.

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    Complete Daily Social Quests

    Visit the “Farm” tab and select the project which has a campaign. Previously Rune coin had one but right now one is live for $MON protocol. After clicking on it you will see some social quests to complete which involve following some account and liking/retweeting some tweets. Make sure to do these and verify it. Afterwards you will receive some “steaks”. These are the currency on stakeland.

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    (Optional) Stake $MEME to Earn Extra Steaks

    Go to the “Stake” tab on the platform. You can either buy $MEME on binance or Uniswap. You will have to pay some gas fees to buy and to stake as it is on ETH mainnet. It is best to wait until ETH GWEI is low below 5 to do this for cheapest fees.

    For the Rune coin airdrop there was a bonus quest which involved staking $20 worth and by doing this you received a lot of extra “steaks”. I expect this to be the case with every future drop too so if you plan on entering all the drops I think it is worth picking some up. You also earn extra steaks passively.

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    Choose Raffles to Enter

    The day of the airdrop you will be able to exchange you steaks to enter a raffle in which you will have to enter a % ranging from 0 to 85%.

    Understand the Gamified System:

    • If you lose a raffle due to not having a high enough percentage of steaks, you will be fully refunded.
    • The amount of token drop you receive depends on the number of participants. Fewer participants mean higher rewards per person, and more participants mean lower rewards.
    • This gamified system incentivizes strategic entry into raffles.
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    Best Raffle Strategy

    You have 2 options. Either stack your steaks by completing all the quests for all the drops and end up with a large amount and go all in on one airdrop which you think has the best potential. The other option is to do the quest every time and enter every drop with maximum allowance. I think this is the best approach and here are the reasons why:

    • You don’t know which tokens will be the winners. If you wait and pick 1 out of 3 projects to go all in on you might pick wrong and not make as much as you could have. The solution is to enter all drops and while each allocation may be smaller you only need 1 winner to make a lot of money.
  7. Need some help? simply watch the step-by-step video below or join our discord.

How Stakeland benefits airdrop projects

  1. Community Building:
    • Develop a genuine community of engaged and informed holders.
    • Gain awareness and widespread distribution to over 1 million on-chain $MEME holders.
  2. Leverage Connections:
    • Connect with investors, exchanges, and market makers.
    • Utilize 9GAG and Memeland connections for broader outreach.
    • Access support services, including investor introductions and community building.

Current and Upcoming Projects

  • RuneCoin Launch:
    • The first project has already launched, paying out a minimum of $25 per raffle winner. Rune Coin, a Bitcoin RISC token, was the first to utilize Stakeland’s platform.
  • MON Protocol:
    • The next project is MON Protocol, which involves daily social tasks over a week.
    • 1.5% of the MON Tokens are being given to the Memeland team to give away.

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