Hyperliquid Airdrop Guide


Hyper Liquid is a decentralized Perpetual Futures Exchange that operates on its own Layer 1 blockchain but can be accessed via a bridge from Arbitrum. It stands out due to its robust order books and a wide variety of markets, offering over 90 trading pairs. The platform has announced an airdrop that involves a point system designed to reward its users, giving out 1 million every week.

The recent $PURR airdrop to users was worth hundreds and this is the perfect platform to use in a 3-1 airdrop with Debridge and Zeta Markets!

How to Join Hyper Liquid Airdrop:

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    Visit Hyperliquid and deposit

    The first stage is to visit the Hyperliquid Website and deposit some funds. For this you will need some USDC on the Arbitrum network. If you have funds on another layer 2 or on Solana you can use Debridge to bridge some tokens over. By doing this you will earn Debridge points as an extra benefit too.

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    Delta Neutral Trading with Zeta Markets

    The best way to start earning points is to set up a position and hedge it with Zeta Markets, earning points on 2 platforms. Simply have similar funds on both platforms, open a long on one and a short on the other at the same time and then close them 5 minutes later. Although is doesn’t actually matter. The leverage you use also doesn’t matter this way and you can crank it up to 10x (assuming you don’t get liquidated) and get even more points for higher volume.


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    Use regular leverage

    If you are more of an experienced trader you can simply open and long or a short of the position you want and close it whenever you feel to also earn points. A hedge isn’t necessary for all.

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    Make daily transactions

    With accounts on both Hyperliquid and Zeta Markets you can set a schedule in the airdrop tracker as to how often you want to perform a trade whether multiple times a day or a few times a week, as well as record your fees and points in a few clicks.

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    Bonus: use limit orders

    Consider using limit orders, hyperliquid pays a small rebate if you enter/exit trades via limit orders. However, it is possible that fees paid is considered in point distributions so make your own decision on this.

  6. Need some help? simply watch the step-by-step video below or join our discord.

Additional Tips and Opportunities

  • Earning Points:
    • Besides trading, deposit into various Hyper Liquid Vaults, like the Hyper Liquidity Provider (HLP) Vault, to earn additional points and returns (150% monthly return observed).
  • Avoid Wash Trading:
    • Do not engage in wash trading—opening and immediately closing positions merely to generate activity—as it may lead to disqualification from earning points.

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