How to claim Gaimin $GMRX airdrop

The $GMRX token by has launched on Bybit and other platforms as of 10am UTC on March the 26th. If you’ve earned some tokens through the Gaimin platform and wish to claim them, this guide will walk you through the process. You might initially see a zero balance or might not know how to claim due to the lack of an official announcements right now. To be eligible for a claim, you should have engaged with the Gaimin platform and added either your Ethereum or BNB wallet address to your account before this if you read the gaimin airdrop guide.

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  • Table of Contents

Step-by-Step Guide to Claiming $GMRX Token

  1. Visit the Claim Portal:
    • Navigate to the claim portal on the Gaimin platform. Ensure your MetaMask wallet is ready and set to the BNB Network.
  2. Connect Your Wallet:
    • Click on the “Connect Wallet” button to link your MetaMask wallet to the platform.
  3. Claim Your Tokens:
    • If your balance shows and you’re ready to claim, click on the “Claim” button. You’ll need BNB in your wallet to cover the transaction fees. If you lack BNB, proceed to the next step to bridge funds.
  4. Bridging Funds (if necessary):
    • Visit debridge finance.
    • Connect your wallet and choose to bridge to BNB by selecting BNB as the token.
    • Bridge from any chain you have funds on. For example, if you have funds in Solana, select Solana and enter the amount you wish to bridge. Ensure you have enough to cover about $1 in fees.
    • You will need about 1$ in BNB
  5. Add the BNB Network to Your Wallet (if not already added):
    • Search and add the BNB network to your MetaMask or wallet of choice to ensure compatibility if you haven’t already.
  6. Finalize Your Claim:
    • Go back to the Gaimin claim portal, connect your wallet again, and complete the claim process. Confirm the transaction, including the fees.
  7. Importing the Token Contract Address:
    • To view your $GMRX tokens in your wallet, you’ll need to import the token contract address.
    • The address is 0x998305efDC264b9674178899FFfBb44a47134a76. Add it to your wallet to see your $GMRX token balance.
  8. Sell your tokens
    • I will have a guide out later on how to sell but for now either use Bybit or Kucoin.

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