Uprock Airdrop Claim Live! MON, Param, SEI claims too

There are a ton of airdrop claims live right now with many tokens having their TGE. We start with uprock which just launched with drops for JUP voters and later miners. The stakeland mon drop also happened as well as the PARAM and SEI drops.

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Mon Airdrop Claim

The first airdrop claim we’re looking at is the Mon airdrop on Stakeland. You can claim your allocation now, with 50% of the Mon Rewards unlocked straight away, and the rest over seven days. If you burned over 100,000 Stakes, you would have received rewards; otherwise, you’d have been refunded. For example, I burned nearly 200,000 Stakes and received 26 Mon, with 63 unlocked immediately. As of now, the price of Mon is $0.385, translating to a bit over $20 in value. You might want to wait for gas fees to drop before claiming, especially since they are currently high. You’ll have until July to make your claim, allowing you to time it for the lowest gas fees.


Uprock Airdrop TGE LIVE

Next is the Uprock airdrop claim on the Jupiter Launchpad. I discussed this in an article two days ago, where you could check your allocation. To claim, you’ll need to sign in and pay a small fee. For instance, I have 30 IC to claim. If you purchased from the vault, your tokens will be claimable in 19 hours at $0.06 USDC, currently valued at $0.09. This means a potential 50% gain, depending on price action over the next 20 hours. Additionally, tokens mined on the app will soon be withdrawable once the App Store update is live.


Param Airdrop Claim

You can now claim your Param Labs tokens from their site, but remember to log in first. The claim is on the Arbitrum network, and I received 25 P tokens, worth about $2. Given the gas fees, it might not be worth claiming unless you have a larger allocation. Staking is now live on the site, providing an option to stake your tokens.


Hyperliquid Airdrop S2

Hyperliquid announced a new season starting from May 29 to June 4, with a weekly distribution of 700,000 points and 2 million points for recent activities. Many expected a token generation event, so this announcement of a new campaign instead has led to some disappointment.

SEI Airdrop Claim

Finally, the SEI airdrop has been announced. While I’m not eligible, those who met certain criteria (such as holding 42 Stak, an LST, or being an NFT collector) could claim their SEI tokens. This airdrop appears to have been particularly rewarding for eligible participants.

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